Final dates to remember as Help to Buy scheme is ending soon!
Help to Buy Equity Loan scheme has helped many first-time buyers recently get on to the property ladder and move into new homes.
The scheme is ending soon though and so far, the Government has not come up with any idea to extend it or replace it with a similar programme. There are other support schemes for buyers however this one has 3 significant dates to remember now:
31 October 2022 is the final day to reserve a new build and submit application to Help to Buy Agent
31 December 2022 is the final day to complete build of the property. It must be completed to a condition ready to move in.
31 March 2023, is the final day for legal completion.
These dates are very important and cannot be missed or else the buyer may no longer qualify to use Help to Buy Scheme.
If you know anyone who is thinking of buying a newbuild property with Help to Buy Programme, let them know!
*We are a registered broker to assist mortgage applications with the use of Government Programmes, including Help to Buy so if you have any questions, do let us know.
Information contained within the blogs was correct at time of publication but is subject to change.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.