As the government has their target to reduce carbon emissions to be net-zero by 2050, new requirement has been introduced to make all let properties energy efficient.
By the end of 2025, for all new tenancies in the UK, it will be a legal requirement that let properties have EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating of C or above. All existing lets will need to achieve this by 2028.
There is still time to prepare for this move as many older properties that now only need to be at least EPC rating E, will need to be upgraded. These upgrades might cost landlords thousands of £s.
Should this requirement not be met by the deadline, landlord will not be able to let legally and they could be penalised with up to £30000 fine.
The EPC is a certificate specifically assessing how energy efficient the property is. The assessment to grade the property, needs a special inspection arranged. The grading is A to G, with A given for the most energy efficient properties. The certificate is valid for 10 years. If it expires, landlord will be required to have a new inspection to obtain a new EPC.
Some properties might be exempt from new EPC requirements though.
